Is Life a Religion ?


Why do people of the world want to fight ?
They fight for causes and pass on the blame.
They always believe, that their side is right,
And their courage will bring them great fame.

The horror of war, so dreadful to see,
Lost children and families, torn apart.
Happy families, just like you or me,
A family, now with a broken heart.

Our religious beliefs are often used,
To make war against those, who disbelieve.
This cause to kill people makes me confused.
How can so many of us be so naive ?

Icons of our GOD SO GREAT, we have worn,
His disbelievers would never be born.

[Believe in Life]

By Ray Lavin : 12th August,2013.

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  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Is Life a Religion ?
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Is Life a Religion ?
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Is Life a Religion ?
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Is Life a Religion ?
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Is Life a Religion ?
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Is Life a Religion ?
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Is Life a Religion ?