Examples of Sonnets

Another Short Story.
You could call this, “ANOTHER COINCIDENCE”. I used to have a dog, named SOPHIE.
She was a sort of Doberman/Manchester Terrier, almost like a Black and Tan Lurcher.
SOPHIE lived to be quite old. I think she was about seventeen years old, when she just
twitched and lay down to die. This was in the Ross Windows Office. Somehow, I knew
that she was dying, because that is how I am. SOPHIE had had several funny turns or
mini strokes previously. Joyce was there and I just turned to her and said, “THIS IS IT”.
The VET was phoned and he made all the usual excuses, why he couldn’t come rushing
over and I calmly replied, that “I will bring the body over to him later, because I would
like her to be Cremated”.
So when all this was over, which was just a few minutes, Joyce turned to me and said,
Joyce fell ill with Cancer, several years later. She actually had Kidney Cancer, which had
spread. By the time her Cancer was discovered, she had a massive brain tumour. I won’t
go into all of the details, other than to say, that by some power, which I required from
desperation, I was able to prevent her pain.
One of the methods, that I was using to help her, was to take her into the heavens above
the clouds, where the sky is blue and the free birds fly. This was a form of MEDITATION.
One time, when I took her to the Oncology Department of The Cheltenham Hospital, she
was kept in for some treatment. I was practically living in the Hospital, while she was there
and on one occasion, that I went to visit her, I woke her from a gentle sleep and she made
a big smile and said, that she had seen a PEREGRINE FALCON.
Shortly after, I was taken to one side and told, that Joyce was not responding to treatment
and that she was dying. I managed to get her a bed in our local Cottage Hospital. After the
Ambulance brought her back, I asked for her Ward. I was told, that she was in PEREGRINE
Ward. All her family were now able to visit, whilst she was at our local Hospital.
She arrived at The Cottage Hospital on Monday. On Friday she was taken to the local Hospice.
I followed the Ambulance and I once again had to ask for directions to her Ward. I was told,
that she had been admitted to FALCON Ward.
No sooner than she arrived, I was able to see her and Joyce looked at me and smiled and then
she went to sleep. I sat with her and before long a young lady junior Doctor came to check how
Joyce was progressing. The young Doctor looked at me and said, I don’t think your wife will wake
up again. I am afraid, that this is quite normal, but I will get a senior Doctor to come and check.
The young Doctor, then told me, that her name was SOPHIE. I can’t remember what my reply was,
but I ended up explaining to this young lady, that this is how my wife wanted to die.
Below are some Sonnets, that I have written, which have been influenced by  the above story.
       We can never be parted an
          will always be a team
So where is my beautiful bride ?
She soars with Free Birds in the sky, 
Yet our spirits stay side by side,
Like a Goddess, she is flying high.
No longer in her body, does she stay,
As once she was imprisoned,
By the illness, which took my love away,
More than we could have visioned.

So now she climbs above the clouds

And where the sky is always blue.

A place of peace and far from crowds,

Where everlasting love remains true.

Where did her soul go ? I ask from curiosity,

I have a new wisdom, so maybe her soul is with me.

In memory of my beloved wife Joyce.

By Ray Lavin, 4th.December 2011.

Below is a good example of a Sonnet.

It has ten beats per line and every other line rhymes

except for the last two lines, which rhyme together.

                   THE PEREGRINE SPIRIT.



Festive times bring back our thoughts of loved ones.

Absent friends will be high up in our minds.

Fathers and Mothers are thought of by Sons.

Love’s thoughts is a mystery, that unwinds.



Where are the Spirits of our memories,

When our hearts are still not remembering ?

Do daughters mourn lost parents on Tuesdays ?

Are spirits of loved ones just wandering ?



They say the Falcon links Spirit to Life,

Watching us from clouds, high up in the sky.

We only remember at times of strife,

Just how good it is, to know how to fly.



Is the Peregrine Falcon a lost soul ?

Or is it a heart to make our lives whole ?



By Ray Lavin.

28th. December, 2012.


Cheers !! Ray.

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  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Examples of Sonnets
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Examples of Sonnets
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Examples of Sonnets
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Examples of Sonnets
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Examples of Sonnets
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Examples of Sonnets
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px Examples of Sonnets
They say that a Leopard’s spots never change,
That people are just creature’s of habit,
But perhaps our Soul, we can rearrange,
With the help of time, we can work on it.
We keep striving towards the Gold person,
The Buddhist Religion explains this well,
Life’s progress depends on our intention,
Maybe one day, this story, we can tell.
But success, is not the best way forward,
Surrender, can be better than winning.
Fighting for wealth can often be with Sword,
Life’s Riches can sometimes be destroying.
If a Golden Buddha, you want to be,
Make sure, that your life is voluntary.
By Ray Lavin : 18th.November,2011.